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Olive: Police Should Be Tracking Down Terrorists Instead Of People On Social Media

During the Fatboy Show, Olive remarked that Uganda Police should focus on finding terrorists and their sleeper cells, rather than spending time and resources tracking down social media users spreading fake news.

While addressing the press on Friday last week, Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga revealed that their cyber crime teams were on the hunt for those sharing fake videos, images and other information on social media about the bomb blasts that happened last Tuesday- all with an intention of causing fear and panic among the public.

Fatboy also wondered why the police was choosing such an aggressive stance instead of issuing a clarification on social media indicating the purported information which people should desist from.

In the same event, Fatboy noted that police was defending itself after killing terrorism suspects believed to be involved in the attempted assanination of General Katumba Wamala in July 2021 and the recent one being Abas Kirevu, a suspect of the twin bomb blasts in Kampala.

However, Olive quoting what society thinks, said that when police kill the suspects, it kills the information too. “Police have always claimed to kill suspects because they try to attack them when they are trying to be arrested, but is it a coincidence that if there are 5 suspects, 3 are going to die?” she asked.

“In the case of Kirevu, I saw an interview on Tv and his kids were saying that Police picked him from home, unarmed but later he turned out dead, yet the official story is that he tried to resist arrest. So under what circumstances does one get killed, if they are armed or unarmed?” she questioned.

The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive, Sarah and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.

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