Olive Najjuma, The Fatboy show presenter on RX radio, has supported the National Water and Sewage Corporation's decision to compensate locals affected by a water pipe that burst on Sunday in Mukono. The water flooded people’s homes- damaging houses and properties such as cars and farms.
It was reported that the water pipe located at a water reservoir at Misindye hill was 1.4 meters wide and is connected to the Katosi Treatment Plant. It is supposed to pump 160,000 million litres of water daily.
ISamuel Apedel, the Public Relations Officer of the organisation, affirmed that there will be compensation for affected homes and destroyed properties to the residents whose property was damaged.
According to Olive, compensation in this case is necessary since the error that led to the bursting was entirely caused by NWSC. “Though we don't know how long the assessment for compensation will take, it's only right that people get refunded for the damage caused because it is not their fault that they are living in the area where the pipe was constructed and the faults that came with it.”
She advised the Corporation to be cautious about the infrastructure it builds because of how rampant bursting pipes have become. “Previously, there was a pipe that burst along Jinja road and the water entered people‘s shops. I remember merchandise in one supermarket all got soaked and destroyed. NWSC needs to crosscheck what they do because it mainly happens when pipes have just been installed.”
However, Daniel debated the promise of compensation saying that Ugandans have not had a good history of compensation from government organisations, pointing to UNRA that has often displaced people for road construction without refunds for their land. Moreso, he made reference to the situation in Hoima District where some people’s land was taken by the government for construction of the pipeline but the locals have never been compensated for it.
The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy and Olive, Sarah, and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.