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Olive: I've Once Offered To Be A Surrogate For A Friend

The Fatboy Show Presenter Olive Najjuma has revealed that she once offered to be a surrogate for a friend who was having trouble conceiving.

The conversation was derived from the Tororo Woman MP Sarah Opendi who yesterday acquired parliament leave to introduce the surrogacy bill.

Surrogacy is an arrangement where a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person who will become the actual parent. The proposed law will look at sperm donors and legalities to do with surrogacy among others.

“I once offered to carry a baby for a friend that was struggling to conceive. I told her if everything failed I'll be a surrogate for her and her partner. I was willing to do it freely because she was a dear friend of mine that's more like a sister. But most women do it for a fee and I think the government wants to come up with this law to regulate fair payment of the surrogates since most times the hospital negotiates their payment,” she said.

Oftentimes, hospitals negotiate surrogacy fees with the couple intending to get a baby as well as the surrogate. However, many surrogates have claimed to be cheated by hospitals who tend to pay them little amounts of money.

Fatboy, in support of the bill, asserted that the law will be a welcome development that will help many couples with fertility issues. However, he acknowledged that there is a need to streamline the process so as to protect surrogate mothers and the couples.

As an unmarried person, he went on to ask Olive if it were possible to get an egg from a donor or even her, get a surrogate and then become a parent. Olive replied that this kind of procedure would be possible outside Uganda because not many women in Uganda would be willing to donate their eggs.

Responding to donating one of her eggs to James, Olive said: “Personally, I know you so much that I don't think I'd be comfortable knowing that the child James has was actually one of my eggs,” she said.

The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive, Sarah and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.

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