Discussing the controversies around the ‘more and less serious’ sins, The Fatboy Show Presenter Lesham has argued that the Pope’s train of thought of pride being the gravest sin is very ambiguous.
Head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis, on 8 December 2021, said that sex outside marriage wasn’t the ‘most serious sin’ but rather, pride and hatred.
He made the statements after the Archbishop of Paris Micheal Aupetit’s resignation. Aupetit was rumoured to have engaged in sexual relations with a woman which goes against the vows made by Catholic priests to be celibate for life.
“I personally feel that people constantly keep re-interpreting what the Bible says about what is supposed to be the deadliest sin or not. However, I think as a continent we have to come to consensus and agree that it’s murder. Murder and torture; because pride is very ambigious,” said Lesham.
“I could be extremely confident and someone might interpret that as pride. So if they went ahead to interpret that as worse than cheating, it would be very confusing,” she added.
Although Lesham admitted to being agnostic, she said that grading sins would be absurd given that Biblical doctrines clearly indicate that all sins are equal.
Fatboy, shocked about the revelation, warned Lesham that she is headed for hell but like him, they would be there together.
“I believe hell is a construct, so if you believe you're going to hell, you will. I don't believe I am going anywhere, though I might become a tree,” Lesham stated.
Lesham went on to say how she doesn't believe in reincarnation in particular but in “recycling” or the cycle of life; where in the next life, she would be food to other organisms that would in turn necessitate the growth and existence of other kinds of nature.
The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive, Sarah and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.