Renowned Ugandan film actor Patriq Musisi Nkakalukanyi has revealed that Hollywood actors such as Seymour Hoffman, and Mogan Freeman, and his enchanting performances in films like Glory (1989) inspired his great television performances.
“My best actor who inspired me was Philip Seymour Hoffman. I didn’t know his name, but I knew his face. Every time he was in a movie, I would pay keen attention. The characters acting in films like Glory made me emotional. I figured that acting would be something I’d do and be good at," he said.
Nkakalukanyi first appeared on screen when he got a role in Tricksters during his senior six vacation under the guidance and training of Jackie Senyondo. He said he fell in love with acting the more. He got roles and the fame that came with it.
Having been in the industry for 12 years now, Nkakalukanyi said the developments are visible, from the content, the platforms for airing it, and the people in the industry getting equally better payments.
Currently, he is concentrating on perfecting his skill in writing and empowering young actors and performers by helping them maximize their potential in acting.
However, if given a chance, he says that he would eradicate middlemen from advertising agencies because of how they tend to exploit people.
“I’d get rid of agencies and middlemen because you see people on billboards and in adverts but then everyone you owe money comes to you. The money always ends up with the middlemen,” he explained.
Asked to advise aspiring young artists and performers in film, Nkakalukanyi asserted the need to be consistent to succeed.
“If you love holding the camera, hold the camera until you become a professional at it. If you're a dancer, do it with all your might. if you're an actor, give it your best. People in other regions like Kenya call us lazier because they are very fast-paced people. So when you get a shot, even if it's 3 seconds to impress, give it 120 percent,” he said.
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