Known for his strong opposition against vaccine mandates, RX Radio proprietor James Onen aka Fatboy said he will be willing to aid legal proceedings against the “draconian dictatorship.”
This was during The Fatboy Show on Monday morning as the host commented on the warnings given by Wakiso District authorities, vowing to arrest school owners that would allow teachers and other administrators who returned to work minus being fully vaccinated.
“It's a very irrational policy because if the President is advising people above the age of 50 to get booster shots, he understands that even when twice vaccinated, one isn't entirely protected. So, on what grounds are the authorities mandating teachers to show proof of vaccination?”
Fatboy in addition said, “We know that vaccines don't protect against infection and that a person will still transmit the virus even when fully vaccinated. So if the argument is to protect against severe infection, then that should be a personal decision to be made by the teacher and it shouldn't affect activities of the school.”
He further called on activist groups and organizations to react to such policies wondering why they had been quiet throughout the lockdown and even now when district authorities are exerting “draconian mandates” on schools and teachers.
However Olive, the Co-host of the show, said that she recognized some protesting against such policies in society, referring to city Lawyer Male Mabirizi, whom she said has often tried appealing to court a number of times, despite garnering limited support.
“I would be willing to offer support to any activist or legal professional that would be willing to put a legal challenge against most of these policies and let it be decided by courts on what should be permissible through the constitution. I feel that it's wrong to watch and allow others to roughshod on ordinary people without any accountability and transparency,” said Fatboy.
He added that unless the court approves the policies, they remain unfair and call for challenge. Olive additionally said that, “As citizens, we need to know- who has the power to do what, who is the boss of who and who makes these decrees?”
The Presenters further urged rights activists to switch from making arguments on social media platforms like Twitter to practically helping the oppressed at grass levels.
“For two years teachers have been languishing and school proprietors have gone bankrupt!” Fatboy exclaimed. “And now that they are trying to get their lives back you want to arrest them!” Olive, in shock, added.
The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive, Sarah and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.