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Olive: Using Force To Pursue A Woman Is Sexual Harassment

On today’s Fatboy show, RX Radio presenter Olive Najjuma has said that forcefully wooing a woman against her will is sexual harrasment.

The presenter made the remarks in a conversation with co-host James Onen aka Fatboy that arose from the Makerere University Sexual harassment Policy, where students led by their Guild President Shamim Nambassa were asking for inclusiveness of student leaders into the policy frameworks for more efficient results.

Commenting on the topic, Olive agreed that student leaders have to be involved in the fight against sexaul harrasment to make it easier for victims to reach out, adding that this might be the reason why only (22) students reported cases to the Gender Main Streaming Directorate since 2019.

Upon prodding by Fatboy to explain the difference between sexual harrasment and flirtation often used interchangeably; Olive responded that “If you’re my boss or supervisor or superior and you start showing me interest and I dont show it back, when you persist, you would be sexually harrasing me whereas flirtation could be just a normal man showing interest in a woman respectfully without using their position to influence her decision.”

But Fatboy, wondering whether persistence isn't the kind of determination women praise their husbands for at their weddings, asked Olive if it's not how women want men to pursue them.

Olive said that how a man tries to woo a woman is what makes the difference between sexual harrasment and appropriate courting.

“You know when a woman says NO, and a man really wants her, he will find ways of nicely getting her attention. He won't say things like ‘you must be mine,’ or ‘if I can't have you no one else can’, or ‘I will fail you’ or ‘I will make sure you don't get that promotion.” she affirmed.

“So even if you dont touch or try to kiss me, if you try to ruin my life in terms of threatening that I will lose my marks, or you will give me less marks or fire me or make sure that I dont get that promotion, sabotage me, you would be sexually harrasing me,” she explained.

The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive, Sarah and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.

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