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Fatboy: We Are Essentially Back To Where We Were At The Beginning Of The Pandemic

On 31st December 2021, President Museveni finally fulfilled his promise of reopening the full economy in January 2022, despite warnings from experts on the move.

In his speech, the President held that the reopening of schools will be on January 10th, and announced the lifting of curfew, and reopening of bars and concerts on 25th of the same month. In addition, he declared the full reopening of the transport sector.

According to RX Radio Presenter Fatboy, no development has been reached since the enforcement of the Covid-19 measures established 2 years ago in efforts to contain the pandemic.

“Essentially this is where we were at the beginning of the pandemic. I think we have just come to understand that there's nothing to do about it because we've learnt that it's endemic and will be coming in seasonal waves. It's now up to us to take personal responsibility for our lives the way we should have been left to in the first place,” Fatboy reasoned.

The Presenter further argued that the country was just put to pause since nothing was achieved during the lockdowns. “Like what new improvements have been made? Because even the manufactured vaccines have not proved protection against infection and new variants,” he added.

He noticed that there might be a disguised plan in handling the Covid-19 situation since a number of drugs that could counter the virus were rejected by governments that insisted on vaccination.

“There’s been a refusal to discuss the various therapeutic treatments that were available for Covid from its early stages. There were treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin and other modalities that were available and steps that a person could take to improve their immunity and be protected against severe infection. Yet, none of this was talked about.”

Additionally, Olive, his Co-host, mentioned that the President’s statement on planning to reverse some measures in case the country reached a 50% increase in hospital occupancy is an indication that he is still in charge of giving or withdrawing the rights of citizens.

The two Presenters further commented on the technocrats who were advising the President to halt the full reopening of the economy.

“At the beginning of the pandemic, I told a friend who was religiously following these directives that the ‘expert class’ might be exploiting their authority. This is because in the long run, when people would understand that most of the expert opinions were exaggerated and non-accurate, it would be difficult for them to command attention in case of another crisis,” Fatboy said.

Olive, in conclusion, said, “I think it has already backfired on them because of the reports in the news. The CDC indicated that one doesn't need to take a PCR test after quarantine since the test can remain positive for an extra 12 days. And yet, this is the stuff we've been doing for two years as indicated by them!”

The Fatboy show is hosted by James Onen aka Fatboy, Olive, Sarah and Lesham every weekday from 6am to 10am on RX Radio.

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